10 things that scare me the most

12:30 PM

1. Losing myself

I am afraid of changing because of work, stressful situations or events, or because of anything and that my family and my friends would look back at me and would tell me that they don't recognize me anymore, that I became someone totally different from who I used to be.

2. Losing my relatives

Well, I think this one is pretty universal... I have already lost some of my relatives so I know that coping is a pretty long journey that you don't even know if it will finish one day. 

3. Nothingness

I don't really know how to explain this but even the idea of it just paralyzed my entire body, my brain stops and my organs explode and melt at the same time. 

4. Being mistaken for someone I am not

I think it is a bit the same as people judging you about something you did without fully understand the context, the story or not even try to understand you or know you more. I just hate that and fear that because I can't even speak for myself or whatever. 

5. Disappoint my parents

I think it has always been my biggest fear in life. Disappoint my parents is just worst than going to hell for me. I value their opinion more than anything else in the world and I would do nothing to hurt their feelings or disappoint them. 

6. Time's going by

I would hate to wake up one day and realized it is too late to do certain things or woke up and realized I didn't enjoy life to the fullest. 

7. Not being good enough

I am not sure there is such a thing that feeling completely like shit for someone you love or care about. And I am afraid it happens someday because you can't really do something about it because no matter how hard you try, it will still be the same and you will still be not good enough.

8. Not being loved for who I am

I would be scared if I had to lie about myself to be loved. I think it is the worst thing in life - not being able to be yourself because you need/want some love. But, as a reminder: never change yourself for someone or for their love - they are not worth it. You will always find someone to love you for who you really are, I mean it (and in case you are waiting for it, gently send people to f*** off, you are not going to change for anybody else). 

9. Loneliness

I am an extrovert and really sociable. I love to hang out with my friends and meet new people. I also appreciate some time alone because we will all need it and to focus on myself. But I also appreciate it because I know that I have few people that I can trust with my life. I know that if I want to hang out, I will find friends to go with me, or to come over at home.

10. Amnesia

I feel like if my memories are taken away from me, I'll just become absolutely nothing like, I would have nothing to say about my life, and people would know more about me than I do. It's the scariest thing ever seriously. 

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